Each year LiveMovers vote on a project to focus their energies on during the school year. This project is called the ByDesign Project. It refers to how the way are streets are designed affects they way they are used. For instance, streets that are safe and convenient for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike are that way By Design!
Are you thinking of a street that needs attention? Would you like to play a part in solving the challenge? Then you’ve come to the right place! We are currently in the process of welcoming new members and soliciting proposals to help determine what our 2021-2022 By Design Project will be.
2022 ByDesign Project Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d7YC5NkZbqESXCcRyK-dAHpnn1FET_UZ
If you’re interested in becoming involved, please send us an email at livemoveUO@gmail.com, attend our weekly meetings which are held in the EMU’s room 132, or sign-up for our newsletter for learn about other ways to become engaged!