Past LiveMove Leadership and Teams

Leadership Team (2023-24)

Sam Amick (He/Him) - DIY Kits & Transit Discussion Leader

Sam is a graduating senior and a co-leader of our Tactical Urbanism project and Transportation Discussion Group. He enjoys exploring Eugene by bike and is passionate about user experience in transportation and urban design. He's also interested in compact urban development and the policies and infrastructure that make it successful.

Dora Schmidt (She/Her) - Filtering and Transit Discussion Leader

Dora is from Eugene and is a fourth-year student studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management. She is an aspiring urban planner with a focus on making sustainable transportation options more accessible, functional, and appealing. She is inspired by LiveMove’s past projects on bike greenways, and she is passionate about helping to develop this network and make biking to the local high school safer. In her free time, Dora is in the kitchen trying a new recipe, thrifting, or exploring new river spots.

Nico Campbell (He/Him) - DIY Kits

Angie Castro (She/Her) - Spring Event

Angie is a fourth-year student from Reno, Nevada studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management with a minor in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her academic interests include transportation planning, active and accessible transportation options, and the intersection of transportation and gender, sexuality, race, and class. She is also a member of the City of Eugene’s Active Transportation Committee where she serves alongside other community members advising the city’s transportation planning team. Outside of academics, she enjoys crocheting, reading, thrifting, and spending quality time with her two cats.

Christina Lundahl (She/Her) - Spring Event

Christina is a fourth-year student from Corvallis, OR studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management as well as Political Science. Her interests within PPPM include environmental and transportation policy and the intersection of active transportation with sustainability and equity. Outside of Academics, she enjoys drawing, hiking, and doing the daily NYT mini games. 

Naomi Gates (She/Her) - Spring Event

Naomi’s a graduating senior studying PPPM, with a minor in Geography. Her academic interests include transportation planning and environmental/natural resource work within planning. Outside of school, she enjoys being outdoors, camping, hiking, art, and exploring new places.

Carrie Bohannon (She/Her) - Digital Creation

Carrie grew up in Northern Maryland before attending the University of Oregon. She is currently a third-year student studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management with minors in Disability Studies and Landscape Architecture. She is interested in learning about transportation and long-range planning. Overall, Carrie is looking forward to learning more about Oregon during her degree and being able to hike around the PNW!

Neighborhood Greenways Team (2022-23)

Marc Schlossberg (He/Him)

Marc Schlossberg is a Professor of City and Regional Planning and a faculty adviser of LiveMove. His teaching and research focuses on redesigning cities so that more people can walk and roll more of the time.  He also focuses on finding ways to accelerate the transfer of knowledge into local practice . He's proud of how amazing students are when given permission to 'go for it'. And he quite likes his newish e-bike.

Sam Amick (He/Him)

Sam is a junior studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management. His academic interests are urban design, land-use planning, and transit design. In his free time, he enjoys rock-climbing, running and woodworking. 

Carrie Bohannon (She/Her)

Carrie grew up in Northern Maryland before attending the University of Oregon. She is currently a freshman studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management. She is interested in learning about transportation and public transit systems in other countries. Overall, Carrie is looking forward to learning more about Oregon during her degree and being able to bike around Eugene soon!

Claressa Davis (She/Her)

Claressa is a third year student in the PPPM program, originally from Portland, OR. She is thrilled to have been a part of this project helping to communicate how safe and comfortable our communities could be. She is currently working at the City of Eugene on school signage and how equity can be incorporated into the city’s Vision Zero plan. Outside of school, Claressa is an avid woodworker, farmers market enthusiast, and river explorer.

Mya Ganzer (She/Her)

Mya Ganzer is a senior at the University of Oregon majoring in PPPM and Environmental Science with minors in Biology and Chinese. She is a lifelong Oregonian and grew up in Portland before moving to Eugene for school. Her future career interests lie in exploring the intersections of natural spaces, transportation, and public health in urban environments. Working on the Neighborhood Greenways project has allowed her to explore and learn more about bicycle transit and infrastructure. In her free time she enjoys biking and swimming in any natural body of water she can find (that’s warm enough).

Finn Haefker (He/Him)

Finn was born and raised in Portland Oregon and is a junior at the University of Oregon, majoring in PPPM and minoring in Architecture. His academic interests include urban design, historic preservation and transportation planning. After graduating, he plans to move to Europe to pursue a masters in urban design. Outside of the classroom, Finn likes to do jiu-jitsu, explore new cities, and work on house restoration projects with his father. 

George McNamee (He/Him)

George is an Environmental Studies Major with a PPPM and Music Minor, he grew up in Boston, MA before moving to Eugene for college. George joined LiveMove to make a positive impact on the city of Eugene and to learn more about the process of city planning through a sustainable lens. In his free time, George likes trying new things and making tacos with his roommates.

Sierra Rodriguez-Torres (She/Her)

Sierra is originally from Reno, Nevada. She is in her second year at the University of Oregon studying Planning, Public Policy and Management. Sierra is interested in practices and policies that can aid in the development of more active transportation infrastructure. She is currently working with the City of Eugene as a transportation planning intern where she is working with their Move EUG program, Vision Zero Program and EV charging infrastructure grant applications. In her free time you can find Sierra with her family and friends enjoying the bike paths and hiking trails around Eugene.

Ernest Wolf (He/Him)

Ernest is a second-year Planning and Public Policy Management student born and raised in San Francisco. His academic pursuits include Urban Design, Architecture, and public transportation systems. When he’s not hitting the books, Ernest enjoys running, cycling, being outdoors, second-hand clothing, and traveling!


Sidewalk Quality Team (2022-23)

Anne Brown (She/Her)

 Anne Brown is an Assistant Professor in the School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management at the University of Oregon. She researches transportation equity, shared mobility, and travel behavior.

Chris Skawski (He/They)

 Chris is a second year MPA student in the School of Policy, Planning, and Public Management. Chris enjoys infrastructure policy and studying the built environment. They are originally from upstate New York, where they still call home and hope to one day work on their sidewalks.

Alex Alonso Gudino (He/Him)

Alex is a fourth year double major in Global Studies and Spanish. Originally from Hillsboro, OR, Alex is an active member of Mecha on campus, and joined the sidewalk inventory team as a way of being involved with the larger Eugene community.

Aidan Austin (He/Him)

Aidan is a first-year student studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management with a focus on transportation-related topics. He grew up in Portland and when at home he works for the Portland Streetcar. He also likes biking; he’s a PeaceHealth Bikeshare Ambassador and is looking forward to studying Bicycle Transportation in his study abroad this summer. In his free time he likes travel, especially riding long-distance Amtrak trains across the country! Outside of that he has also enjoyed exploring the public transit systems in Europe, Japan, and in the states.

Cory Frost (He/Him)

My name is Cory Frost and I am from Oakland, CA. I'm a 2nd year student at the University of Oregon in the Planning, Public Policy, & Management department. I am interested in city planning, urban design, and anything related to transportation. In my free time I enjoy biking, playing soccer, and hanging out with friends.

Matt McCreary (He/Him)

Matt is a senior studying Planning, Public Policy, and Management at the University of Oregon. In addition to his work with LiveMove, Matt interns with Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation as a Transportation Safety Planning Intern. He is passionate about being a dedicated public servant in the transportation field, creating transportation systems that work for and benefit everyone. His favorite way to get around cities is walking and so the Sidewalk Quality project was important to him.

Braden Ravenscraft (He/Him)

Originally from Arizona, Braden is a senior at the University of Oregon studying Planning, Public Policy & Management. He is interested in making our transportation systems more sustainable, and while we’re at it, making them more accessible for everyone! Outside of school, he likes to explore the outdoors, as well as watch and play basketball and soccer. 

Jordan Rohrer (He/Him)

Hi, my name is Jordan! I am a second year Public Policy, Planning and Managment major at the University of Oregon. I am focusing on public policy and planning. I am especially interested in the intersection between public health/human services and city planning. Being part of the sidewalk collection team and collecting data based on ADA requirements is an important part of this intersection. 

Not Pictured:

Ben Bedard, Amena Martinez-Smith, Jacob Roth, Avi Shugar, and Blaire West.


Our Past Leadership

Brendan Irsfeld, Co-President (He/Him)


Brendan moved to Oregon from eastern Massachusetts and is interested in learning how to promote the increased usage of active and public transport systems. He is working towards a master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning. During this past summer, Brendan worked on a variety of research projects related to wildfire resilience and recovery planning in Oregon for the Institute for Policy Research and Engagement (IPRE), where he also will be working as a project manager during the academic year. Beyond work and studies, Brendan spends time outdoors exploring new places and taking in as much autumn weather as can be enjoyed.

Sadie Mae Palmatier, Co-President (She/Her)


Sadie Mae grew up in Montana and has lived in several Western and Eastern states where she has worked in land use, parks and recreation, conservation ecology, and clean energy. Most recently Sadie Mae lived in Berkeley, CA where she worked in clean energy finance. She is a first year student in the Masters of Community and Regional Planning program and interested in both active transportation and ecological design within the broader realm of climate planning. When not studying, Sadie Mae can be found on one of her bikes, climbing, backpacking, or deep in a recipe in one of her favorite cookbooks.

Ashley Fenner, Project Manager (She/Her)


Ashley is a fourth year undergraduate student in the Architecture program at the University of Oregon with minors in dance and public, policy, and planning. Ashley grew up in the Portland metro area and currently lives in Eugene. She is passionate about designing the built world to create a healthy, sustainable, and equitable future. As the Project Manager for Live move she hopes to advocate for and engage with her campus and local community. When Ashely has free time, she uses her time to paint, hike, and be around friends.

Quincey Gerow, Speaker Series Coordinator (They/Them)


Quincey Gerow is a fourth year architecture student with a minor in Spanish and Public planning policy management (PPPM). They are one of the speaker series coordinators along with Ali Beaulieu. They are also an event coordinator for the American institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). They’d like to work with communities to build better environments, helping the community be a part of the design process, focusing on regenerative design as opposed to gentrification.

They are from Oregon and love to get out and enjoy nature any moment they can. If they had to choose a favorite transportation method it would be walking, but on water they'd choose to kayak. When not in school they spend my time making art and taking care of all of their plants.

Ali Beaulieu, Speaker Series Coordinator (She/Her)


Ali grew up in both Seattle and Central Oregon and is a third-year undergraduate student studying PPPM and Architecture with a focus on urban design. Her academic passions lie in the design of sustainable public spaces in underserved urban areas, as well as resilience planning for the events of climate change. As Speaker Series Coordinator, she hopes to broaden the PPPM network by inviting guest speakers from a variety of cultural backgrounds and academic disciplines within the fields of public policy and planning. In her free time, Ali enjoys creating mixed media art, taste-testing vegan recipes, and working out at the Rec.

Marley Mathews, Outreach Coordinator (She/Her)


Marley is a senior transfer student majoring in Planning, Public Policy, and Management with a minor in Sustainable Business. She grew up in Livermore, California before moving to Eugene to study at the University of Oregon. As Outreach Coordinator, Marley hopes to bring new people to Live Move and spread the word of how the organization is engaging with the community through our social media sites. When she’s not studying or working with the EMU’s Event Services, Marley enjoys hiking, baking, and making digital art.